
Replacing Broken Garage Door Spring – Here’s What You Need to Know

Replacing Broken Garage Door Spring – Here’s What You Need to Know

broken garage door spring
Springs break usually with little to no warning. Replacing the garage door spring is one of the most dangerous jobs in the service industry and should not be done by a nonprofessional. Knowing the weight/height of the door, the size of the spring width, wire gauge, and cone diameter are the four factors in determining the correct spring for your door. Having the incorrect spring on a door could be lethal. Most all springs installed on a standard residential home are either extension springs (for smaller, single bay doors) or torsion springs (for larger, double doors). The weight and height of a garage door will determine the size spring needed to properly run the door. Springs can be replaced in no time with the correct training, experience, and tools. Seeing the many different springs and parts that go into repairing your garage door it’s easy to see why even construction companies, and builders, hire a trained garage door professional to install springs. The life of a spring depends on the usage of the garage door. A springs lifespan only allows for so many up and downs. If you use your door more than three times a day, you can expect that your spring will last between 5-7 years. Whereas someone that only uses their door a few times a week could get as many as 20 years out of a spring. Springs are dangerous and should not be tampered with. If your spring breaks, call a professional to come and replace it. There are many instances where people have been seriously injured due to the lack of knowledge it takes to replace springs on garage doors.

Torsion Spring

A torsion spring has stored elastic potential energy. These types of springs are placed on a motionless metal shaft; this shaft is located at a certain distance above the frame of the garage door and they extend along the door frame. These springs are fastened to a motionless plate located above the center of the door frame. 

Torsion springs work by twisting when the garage door closes; the springs are able to twist due to the cables which are attached to the sides of the lowest door panel. Similarly, raising the garage door becomes an easy task due to this reason.

Side Mounted Spring

Placed on each side of the track of the upper garage door, these springs are long heavy springs. Using pulleys, side mounted springs work in the same manner as torsion springs. In order to make lifting the door easier, when the garage door is closed, side- mounted springs come under tension. They are heavy duty springs longer in length than torsion springs and they use pulleys in the same way as torsion springs do.

Why Should I Replace My Garage Door Spring

A garage door spring is a vital component of any garage door and when it breaks, the door will emit a loud noise when it is opened or closed. When this happens, you have two options; either get it repaired or purchase a new one. For most people, repairing broken springs is not a feasible option. They usually opt to replace the spring because it is safer. While replacing the spring of a garage door is not rocket science, let’s briefly discuss the different types of springs. 

A spring basically aids in opening and closing the garage door; there is a misconception that the spring is the sole component that allows a garage door to be lowered or raised. This is not true. The spring only makes it easier to lower or raise the door. Usually, garage door springs have a long life, but eventually they do weaken and wear-out. Excessive use of a worn-out spring can result in breakage. This is due to many factors like weather changes and constant stresses acting on the spring.

When the spring responsible for opening and closing your garage door breaks, you’ll need to repair or replace it. Most people don’t consider repairing a broken spring a viable option. Therefore, they pick the safer and more commonly used option of replacing a garage door spring. The most obvious sign of a broken garage door spring is a dramatically loud noise emanating from the garage door. Before we take a detailed look at replacing a garage door spring, let’s briefly discuss garage door spring and its types.

Contrary to the wide belief, garage door springs aren’t part of the garage door opener. Instead, they are a part of the garage door itself. However, raising and lowering the door is much easier due to the springs. Generally, these springs last a long time. However, all springs eventually wear-out and break and garage door springs are no different. Overtime, as a result of weather changes and constant lifting, springs weaken and ultimately break. There are two different types of garage door springs: torsion springs and side mounted springs.

The lifespan of a garage door spring is limited. However, your garage door usage will determine the frequency of which your spring will need to be replaced. Most experts believe that if you use your garage door two times a day, you’ll require garage door spring replacement every fourteen years. People who use the door four times a day will require spring replacement every seven years while people using it six times a day will need replacement every five years. Finally, if you use your garage door eight times or more in a day, you’ll require garage door spring replacement every three years.

If you don’t properly deal with a faulty or broken spring, it can cause you a lot of pain and trouble. Surely, you don’t want that. Therefore, you should replace a broken or faulty garage door spring as soon as possible. You can carry out garage door spring replacement yourself. However, hiring a professional to perform this task for you is a better option.

Replacing Garage Door Springs

As mentioned earlier, springs are vulnerable to wear and tear and the usage of your garage door will actually determine the frequency of which your spring will need to be replaced. Statistically speaking, if you use your garage door 2 times a day, you will need to replace the spring once every 14 years. If you use the garage 4 times in a day, the spring will need replacement after 7 years. 

And if you use the door 8 times a day, you could find yourself replacing the spring every 4 years. On the other hand, if you don’t replace the broken or faulty spring, it can cause quite a nuisance which can also result in injuries or hazardous situations. Therefore, replacing a worn out spring on time yourself or by hiring a qualified professional is the best way to go.

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