
Using a Garage Door Lubricant

Using a Garage Door Lubricant

Garage Door Lubricant

Lubricating your garage door from time to time is important, irrespective of whether your garage door opens manually or through an electric door opener. If you want to keep your garage door in optimal condition for years to come, you’d be well advised to follow this simple garage door maintenance tip:

Lubricate the springs, hinges, rollers, and chains of your garage door to prevent them from rusting or becoming strident.

Usually, garage doors that aren’t lubricated make considerable noise. Often, this causes a lot of stress and headaches. You must lubricate your garage door if you want to prevent it from making groaning, banging, and screeching noises. By simply lubricating your garage door, you can get rid of all the noises that emanate from it: this is the most basic garage door maintenance tip. Even though the noise emanating from the garage door is what bothers you, you mustn’t give it all the importance. Instead, you need to find out and resolve the problems causing the noise.

Often, you’ll find that the noise emanating from the garage door is caused by the rusty and non-lubricated garage door hinges, tracks, rollers and springs. You can eliminate the noise and all of your garage door concerns by simply lubricating the door. However, you must know the right way of lubricating the garage door. Usually, the lubrication process varies depending on the configuration of your garage door. However, there are some basic garage door lubrication steps that must be followed. Following is how you need to lubricate your garage door.

Clean any debris or dirt

Before you lubricate the garage door, you must look for any debris or dirt on the door. If you find any debris or dirt on the door, you must clean it before lubricating the door. Usually, dirt or debris is present on the garage door tracks or rollers.

Apply garage door lubricant

The second and most important step in the garage door lubrication process is applying the lubricant. Using a rag, apply the lubricant directly onto the inside part of the garage door. It is important for you to cover the entire inside part. Once you’ve used the lubricant grease, apply the silicone spray to the aforementioned area.

Open and shut the door several times

Once you’re done with the lubricating part, open and shut the door several times. This will ensure proper lubrication of the different parts of the garage door. Also, wipe off any excess grease that might spill onto the garage floor or other areas of your garage: this is a useful garage door maintenance tip that you need to keep in mind.

Apply the lubricant to the spring and chain

The final step in the garage door lubrication process is simultaneously lubricating the garage door spring and chain by applying the silicone spray to them. By doing this, you’re likely to get rid of all the noise emanating from the garage door. 

As seen above, performing garage door lubrication yourself is possible. However, a safer and more prudent way of performing this task is hiring a trained technician. Therefore, you should always choose the latter.

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